When Iraqis think of Germany, they think about state-of-the-art technology, high-quality products and a modern infrastructure. Often the question arises: How did Germany achieve this level of development?
The answer is simple and challenging alike:
Germany is a "poor" country: no oil, no gas, no gold. There is only one natural resource: humans. Fortunately, humans are the key to success.
The secret of 'Quality Made in Germany" lies in 3 steps of development:
1. Transform human resources into human capital: Education of the youth, qualification of the work force, continuous professional training for leaders and managers.
2. Build effective teams: Committed leaders, managers and staff, who cooperate in strong teams towards a common goal.
3. Establish an effective and efficient system: well organized operations inside an institution, where waste - of time, of money and of human energies - is minimized, and all activities streamed to generate value.
The AGI Management Training Academy provides leadership and management Trainings, which are based on worldwide recognized and scientifically proven methods and tools, how to develop the human infrastructure and system to achieve academic and operational excellence.